Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Supernormal Step: Michael Lunsford

Supernormal Step is created by Michael Lunsford.

I stumbled upon his "other" work before I found out that he was also a comic artist.  Michael's work caught my eye because of the line and color use he uses.  Dark lines that outline the character's body to the thin lines that define wrinkles or cheek bones.  I also loved the character's eyes of his characters many variations.  His style has a disney/anime combination which I really enjoy.  Michael's character designs are also quite eye catching; from the human figure, to aliens, and even a stuffed rabbit.

The Flow of the comic is also very well done.  He hes regular panel layouts, panels within panels, and even panels that are slanted with little space to keep the panels from bleeding into each other.  Michael also seems to understand which fonts to use when text isn't just a normal conversation.

Supernormal Step is an on going comic since 2009 and Michael's art style has changed greatly over the years I will continue reading up on his story and also see his art style continue to show improvement.

1 comment:

  1. How is the comic serialized? Is it released only online or is there a print edition?
